The other exciting news from the weekend is my haircut. I finally got into the only person I trust to cut my hair other than my mom, and she cut off quite a bit. It is so short that it doesn't even do a ponytail well, which might be problematic, but that is ok because I really like it. I think she did a fantastic job, as usual. So if you want a good haircut, ask me, I'll let you know where to go.
I also finished everything I have due before finals except for one test, that I will most likely be taking tomorrow morning. But after that, I'm home free. Well other than the next week of studying almost 24/7 to take 5 very important tests. But that is all I will have to worry about.
A few side notes--I graduate in exactly 4 months from today, and I'm really excited about it. I am also approximately 93.6% sure that I am moving to Rhode Island this August. YAY!
awesome cake! I want to see your haircut! what are you thinking being at your apartment on a monday afternoon?? hello... don't you know you are supposed to live at the library like me??
Will you post a photo of your new haircut pleeez? Your cake turned out well. Ali and I were thinking, if you move to RI and we move back to Utah this summer, you can't play with us :(
Rachel when are you moving back to Utah? I think the sooner the better so Ali can have some good old fashioned Amy time. Everybody needs a little bit of that.
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