So I know that I have been on this decision making kick, but it is my life right now, and this will be the last post about decisions for a while, I promise the next one I write will be more thought provoking and whatnot. But I think I have officially decided what I am going to do with my life. (Well hopefully) I am going to be taking a CNA course this summer, but not the originally planned one, I will be traveling to Salt Lake everyday for two weeks to take this class from 5-10 p.m. Definately better than every Saturday all summer. And I am about 90% sure I am going to be moving to Rhode Island come August 20thish. As long as I can find housing, I will be able to find a job, and it should all work out. So that is the plan.
I have been thinking lately about BYU, and the amazing place it really is. There is no place in the world quite like it. There is no place where you meet once a week during the week with a group of other college students and talk about the gospel and then just hang out, like family time. So there might be places that do that, but not really. I was recently talking with a friend of mine from my old ward. He was down for the weekend, and happened to run into my roommate, and then came to talk to me. We had a good discussion on the uniqueness of BYU. And as I am getting ready to leave it, I am only now realizing how lucky I have been to be here for the past four years. To be somewhere where the school paper makes me laugh at least once a day from the things that people write in or the things people do (I am going to miss the police beat). A school that has a number of impressive and awesome rankings in the Princeton Review every year. #3 best college library(which i have happen to proudly work at) #1 stone-cold sober school #1 students pray on a regular basis #1 Got milk
Basically just an amazing school, where religion is brought into the classroom, that definately doesn't happen many other places. A place where people are friendly and kind, and although we still have some crime, our campus is really quite safe, and I usually feel safe walking around at night or early in the morning. A place that has a great athletic program, that has given me hours of entertainment over basically my whole life.
Mostly I'm just really glad that I had the chance to go to and graduate from a very good school. And congratulations to BYU and all of its faculty and students for making it a great place to go to school.

1 comment:
I completely agree. Although BYU has it's quirks and nepotism and strangeness, I agree with you that it is definitely a blessing to have attended such a great university. I never realized how much I appreciated BYU until I moved away. Not that I want to go back and live in Wymount or work at the Bookstore or anything, but I definitely miss walking on campus in the early Summer mornings. I miss the Fall-time football excitement, I miss the beauty of the campus, although it's buildings aren't decades or centuries old, it is still one of the most beautiful and and one of the cleanest campuses I have ever been to. And, I miss the safety of campus. GO BYU!
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