Friday, May 16, 2008


I've known and lived with a lot of people over the years, and I've learned that we all have different ways of releasing pent up emotion, feelings, frustrations, whatever. Now this may seem like a random topic, but it all came about last night. After a terribly played on my part, game of softball, I was awfully frustrated, and for those who actually know anything about me, you might know that I am not the most expressive person when it comes to feelings. So since I've been frustrated about many things in the past month or so, this crappy game was the ice breaker. So I went out for a hard run, and felt semi better when I got back. And I brewed over it all day, and still haven't fully expressed my frustration. Then there is my roommate, who also played last night, and didn't have the best game either, she went outside for a little personal reflection, came back inside and was fine afterwards.

Now I know that it is possible that I have a bit more pent up frustrations and what not than her right now, but that is another point. What I'm getting at here is the different ways people release anger, frustration, pain, etc. And when I say people, I am mostly referring to people of the female gender. We as females, tend to express emotion a lot more than our male counterpart, which is normal. Women are more sensitive and whatnot. Anyway, there are so many ways that we release pent up emotions.

I have had friends who just escape from it all, just run away from it, and then ignore it. I've had friends who just need to cry all by themselves for a little while and then they are ok, there are the ones that need to cry on some one's shoulder and need to be validated. There are those as I said before who just don't deal with it, pretend it didn't' happen and store it somewhere inside of them. There are those that need a little time to just think things through and then they are ok. Those who just need to get angry at someone, yell a little than get over it. Those who need to go and get anger out in someway.

Those are just the first few that came to my head, but I really find it interesting how different we all are, and how we express things, and release things in such different ways. The hard part is initially figuring out what that way is for each person, and/or letting others figure out that information about you. Some people, including me, have a hard time letting others really get to know them, but that is another blog in itself, so maybe that will be my next one.

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