So I'm thinking as a graduation present to myself I want to get a new computer, mostly a mac. And it i get it now, I also get a free ipod touch, and a free printer. And I can get an education discount on the computer. And then get a whole bunch of software at education discount prices because I'm still a student. What do you all think? All in all, it will come out to about $2,000. So maybe if I decide to get one, if people feel like getting me a graduation gift, they can just put in a few dollars? Tell me what you all think...
I would say go for it. You have worked very hard! You deserve it!
I think that because you are very media-savvy you should go for the mac. I would LOVE a mac. Tansy and Jason have an iMac and it is the coolest computer EVER (next to ours, of course, but it isn't a mac).
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