Friday, March 28, 2008

I've been tagged

Thanks to my sister, I have been tagged. So here ya go.
My Favorite Color: Ever since I was a little child my favorite color has been pink...ok not. Blue, my color of choice in all things.

My Favorite Animal: Shasta the Liger or my babies. Either of which are quite amazing.

A Bad Habit: Jumping to conclusions. I am really good at that. No matter what the situation, I jump not just to conclusions, but the worst possible conclusion.

Favorite Food: I love food. I love to make food and eat it. Lately I've been on a pretty decent health craze, and vegetables have become my new staple.

Favorite Hobby: In the little amount of spare time I have, I love to play my guitar, play any sports that I can, and cook food for people.

My Favorite Song: Can't honestly say that I have one favorite song, I really enjoy music. So I listen to a very broad range, but the song of the past year has been Crazy by Patsy Cline.

My Favorite Author: All I read right now are text books. So technically I don't have a favorite right now, but I do really enjoy C.S. Lewis, the Bronte Sisters, Jane Austin, etc.

My Favorite Dessert: I love cheesecake, and my newest favorite are my Lemon Strawberry Cream Cups. Yummy.

A Picture of Me: I'm not photogenic, plus I'm at work, so no pictures of me right now.
I'm now tagging Bryan Stiles, Kirsten Clark, and Elise Crane. Because I know you all read this on occasion. Ha.


Kirsten said...

punk. jk i'll do it later

Rachel said...

I need your recipe for those Lemon Strawberry Cream Cups.