Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life in a New Year

So I've got some new goals for the new year, and I really think that they are going to be good for me. One of my goals is to get in shape, and my way of doing that is to run a marathon. I'm running the Ogden marathon in may with two of my sisters. And as scary as it seems to run a marathon, I'm really really excited. I've planned out my training schedule and I'm really excited to be working out. I've done a decent job of working out so far, and it feels great. So the thought of running 26.2 miles in 5 months...awesome.
I've also just purchased a car, this is a new and exciting adventure. I've never owned a car, and I decided since I'm now a college graduate that it was high time to get a car. So with a little help from my grandpa, I'm not the proud owner of Hank, a torreador red 2006 ford focus. Hank is a great car, and I'm really excited to have this new freedom.
My job is going well, I'm learning a lot still and when I have enough to do, I really don't mind being there. It's going to be nice to be super busy as the summer season approaches.
So I've got some other goals, like going to bed at a decent time, and whatnot, so in order to keep some of those, it's time for me to hit the sack.
I'll write more more often. (That's another goal) Check back soon, I'll post some pictures.


Merilee said...

Hank- now that's a real car. I wish I could name my car. I can't think of anything good since my first car Toby. Really, you'd think I could get over him. I can't though.

Rachel said...

Good job, what training schedule are you on? Do you want to do long runs with me on Saturdays? I need some moral support.

danny.des.jack.nora said...

McVey, hey! Um, our blog went private so if you still want to view our blog, just e-mail me at and we will add you. Because we love you still. :)