You can come to regret many things. And most of the time we don't think about it. Things happen and we get over them, and move on with our lives, however a few times a year, I take it upon myself to sit and really think about life. This usually leads to me thinking of all the the things that I wish I was doing, or wasn't doing. All the things that I want to do more or less of, and things that have happened that I either wish would or wouldn't have happened, you get the point.
Well as I mentioned at an earlier time, I am graduating in August, and that means I am finishing up my career here at
BYU. It has been four short years, they were good though, and there are some regrets that I have that very possibly might have made that made the past four years not as supreme as they could have been.
On a side note, it makes me wonder if things were supposed to happen this way to teach me things. Then I think, no way, divine intervention is supposed to make life better, right? I honestly don't know anymore.
Back to where I was before, my regrets, at least my big ones are:
Not getting enough sleep every single year.
I made a new semester resolution every semester to get to bed earlier and get up earlier. And every semester I did a decent job for about a week and a half or two, and then I fell right back into my late night ways. Very bad thing for a college student. And now I know that even more as I am writing a paper for a class on sleep, and how beneficial it really is, and how what we do during the day can affect our sleep, and I bet the last four years would have been a lot happier in general if i had gotten 8 hours a night.
Not speaking up in class, or using my professors as resources for good.
I like to think that I am generally a pretty smart person, and if you know me at all, you know I can be very opinionated. And I just about always have something to say about everything, but just about every class I have been in, I haven't made more than one comment a semester, if that. It makes me wonder if I would have done a little more active participation in class if my
gpa would be a bit higher. Plus now as I am applying for grad schools and nursing schools I need academic references, and I have like one. Big mistake.
Not being more social in my wards.
Don't get me wrong, I go to church, I go to
fhe, I go to ward
activities, people know who I am. But I haven't made as many really good friends as I could have. And now as I am getting to the point where everyone my "age" is graduating and moving on. So you can start to make good friends and then all the sudden you move on or they move on. That is crappy. We all need good friends to joke around with, who will listen to you, and who you can listen to. I really appreciate friends. I have about 15 years of built up emotion that I need to get out, and that is exactly what friends are good for. And the best kind of friend is someone who thinks along the same lines as you, and who is just a good person. I'm have a friend like this right now. She is one of those people who is a fantastic person. It is just too bad, that we are both graduating. You never know what that means, graduation can lead you just about anywhere.
My last regret is not outing my roommate who broke the honor code.
And everyone probably thinks, I've had a roommate who broke the honor code on one occasion, I'm sure I have even broke it before. Staying a few minutes late in some guy's apartment or something, but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about hard core breaking of the honor code. This girl's actions left me scarred, and I had the worst semester of my life. That is when it all started to go downhill. If I would have pushed my bishop, and talked to the honor code office earlier and gotten things fixed earlier. Life would be different I believe. If I would have made someone do something about it in October when I first had my suspicions, instead of waiting till
Well those are my main regrets for the past four years, now that they are out there, let's hope that I can move past them, and move on with my life.