We went back and started up a fire and made some pig biscuits. Now if you are wondering what pig biscuits are, you probably know them as pigs in a blanket, there is a long story behind that. We sat around the fire for over an hour cooking these things, and it was so much fun. While Lisa was tending to the fire and breaking wood with her foot, she flipped a piece of wood into the fire right on top of Melanie's food. And Mel just sat there. It was hilarious. Probably one of those had to be there moments. Mel said that she would have rather had the wood hit her than her food. Anyway, we then had smores, and a strange banana boat thing. All in all a good around the fire time, we then sang some songs to the guitar and just chilled. Bed time came, however not for me, I haven't been sleeping well and this was no change. Carie and I stayed up partially waiting to hear from her dad and brother and partially because we just couldn't sleep.
It was a beautiful night, the stars were gorgeous and we had a really good talk about life and such. At about 3, Mel came coughing out of the tent and after a few minutes came and sat with us and talked with us the rest of the night. Carie and Mel tended the fire all night and we got a number of holes in our clothes and blankets. Mel rolled in the dirt, and well it was good. We got a little sleep, not much. But that is okay. As we watched the stars disappear and the sky grow lighter, Lisa eventually joined us. Nicole and Meagan got some more sleep, and then joined us for breakfast. We just kind of chilled for some time Mel went off somewhere, Meagan, Nicole and Lisa went for a walk, and Carie and I played card game(of which she didn't actually tell me all the rules, so although I should have won, I didn't).
Anyway, Carie's dad and brother let us use their 4-wheelers, and we went out Lisa and me on one, and Mel and Carie on the other. We had a really good time. It was actually a big stress reliever for me, not sure why, but it was. Anyway, after that people took naps, I tried to study, we just chillaxed. It was well amazing.

Mostly the whole weekend was just amazing. And I'm so grateful Carie shared this place with us, and that these other 4 girls came along and we just had a good time. I'm not gonna lie, I would love to camp every weekend. That would be fantastic, but since that isn't going to happen, I'll just have to get some people to want to go at least once more this summer.
Overall, I love the moun'ains, I love the outdoors. I want to spend the rest of my life outside. I love it, and suggest that everyone goes out camping at least once this summer. Just do it.