Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life is Too Time Consuming...

So each day, I wake up early get ready to leave and am out the door by 7:45. I don't get back till after 6 or 7 most days, and some days as late at 10. I have no time for anything. How am I supposed to enjoy life when I'm stuck in the library for hours everyday, more than half of them working, and the other half trying to stay on top the mounds of homework that every professor gives me because each of them think that their class is the most important. Well I've got news for all of them, I will probably not use much, if anything, of what you teach me. At least this semester. What do they really know anyway. I get a grad student for a teacher. He doesn't know the subject fully because his emphasis is in just a small portion of the subject. So what does he do, he takes quotes and definitions out of the book, puts them on PowerPoint, and then expects us to sit there for two and a half hours while he requotes everything I just read. I'm paying good money to get a good education, why is this guy teaching? Why doesn't the university hire on some people who know how to teach, not just give your grad students free tuition if they will teach a class. Come on now.

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